Bercuti di Penang – Day 1

As for my first day in Penang, we all (15 of us) going to spend a night at Desa Kiara, Pedu Lake. So as usual, our main activity is BBQing. Wow. It’s kinda hard to get everybody wake up and packed for this trip. Heard that the trip will take quite a while, and we only left home at about 1 pm.

It’s all wet today – raining non stop. First off, went to Megamall Penang to do a bit of shopping for the trip, since that is the nearest mall here.

Went to Pacific Hypermarket,

mainly for buying the raw stuffs for tonight’s BBQ.

Then the journey begins. The first half of the journey went quite well since it’s all highway. But after the Sik/Gurun/Jeniang exit, things getting rough.

Small, winding and bad roads with holes here and there. Feel sick of the journey. We all just cursing all the way. Hehehe..

When Alimin did the reservation before, the salesperson said it’s easy to get here, and the road is OK. Hah. Marketing strategy. Always say a good thing about your place.

Reach there at about 6:30pm, then we check in. Still. It keeps raining here too.

Luckily the chalet and surrounding here is nice. At least, it soothes our heart for all the troubles we’ve gone through to get here. So, as usual, some panorama pictures šŸ˜‰ Just click the images below to get bigger view.

Here is the surrounding of the resort. Quite a huge space where we have to take a car from the main building where the reception is to the house that we rent.

And here is the front of Rumah Bakar, a two rooms and one big living room house that we are going to spend the night at.

And best of all, the balcony of the house is facing this beautiful and breathtaking lake scenery.

So at the night, did the BBQ. No photos from the BBQ since I didn’t bring my camera down.

A while later, another group of my dear blogging friends arrived – Zaif, budak^penang, Nobta, Eisz and one of their friend.

After that, watch DVD and VCD, then what else. Sleeppp…


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

5 Responses

  1. aries1981 says:

    hi imran, wah..wah..seronoknye cuti2 malaysia ek? from my observation…imran suka pegi holiday kat penang ek? hmm…

  2. Imran says:

    hehehe aries. sebab ramai member2 kat sana. most of my kawan blog sumer duk penang. so bolehlah numpang tidur rumah diaorg kan. jimat duit sewa hotel. hehehehe

  3. Malique says:

    semua gambar cantik-cantik… pandai org yg tukang ambik…

    musim hujan ni payah jugak nak gi jejalan nih…

  4. dak^penang says:

    gambar masa bbq tak amik ke? ihks….

  5. Imran says:

    malique: hehehe. takde cantik mana pun. main tangkap muat jer tu
    dak^penang: tak ambik arr.. tak bawah turun digicam time tu. wat turun videocam je.

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