Category: My Blog

3 goes Christmas mood

Hehehe. Spend time changing the template again. This time, my blog goes Christmas mood. During this festive season, wishing all that celebrate christmas out there View my other template changes Aquarium fish Have a...


M’re’s Flash Video disabled

Oh no!! My webpage hosting nearly reached the maximum bandwidth for this month. I’ve been using 9.4GB of the allowed 10GB bandwidth already for this month. It seems that more and more people coming...


Minor Template Change

Lately, I noticed that less and less people are getting into my blog (the counter shows the drop in the number of visits). Quickly checking the log reveals that people is having difficulty of...


ClustrMaps added

Hah. A new thing has been added to my blog’s template. It is ClustrMaps. I found that from Yazid‘s blog a while ago, and I just registered myself one too. ClustrMaps is one wicked...


M’re’s Flash Video Player

Below is the thing that kept me busy for the past 2 days. It’s my own music video viewer which I called M’re’s Flash Video Player. I have featured 2 video clips on my...


Interesting facts about my blog’s visitors

This blogspot blog of mine has been officially launched on September 9th, 2005. And from that point on wards, I have been promoting my blog everywhere (submit to blog search engine, leave invitations at...


More template tweaks

Man. I’m getting crazy, crazy with this blog thing. I don’t really know what struck me where this thing is really like a drug to me. I can’t sit still knowing that I haven’t...


Scroller added!!

Muahahaha. Fascinated with the Volutpat Venenatis theme in my previous entry, I have added the scroller to my blog too. /me very happy But I still need to hack the CSS a little, i.e...


Blog template finalized

Damn! I have wasted 2 days of my time setting up the below template for my new blog that I just hosted at blogspot (used to be somewhere else before, and I have moved...