Category: Uncategorized


Last day of Ramadhan 1431H/2010M

We’ve come to the last day of Ramadhan of this year. This time is always an emotional one to me, wondering whether I will meet again with the next Ramadhan. The morning of the...


Michael Jackson died at 50

It’s quite a shocking news today to receive an SMS from friend telling that Micheal Jackson has died. Hopefully it’s just not another chain SMS that always happened. Quickly checking several of mainstream news...


Souvenir from Marts and Tot

I received the following email from admin early evening yesterday when checking my office’s email from home. And in my mind, I have so many questions as I’m not expecting any parcel. What could...


Vote me at Blogger Awards

My oh my. I’m quite suprised getting to know that my blog is selected as the finalist for Blogger Award. Thanks to farridhusin who left me a message about this on TagMe! Well,...


Maxis Broadband hidden charges

I officially terminated my Maxis Broadband on 7th February 2009. Actually, I was visiting Maxis Center way earlier than that to terminate my Maxis Broadband account, but the Maxis stuff there suggested that I...


Gmail turns 5

Happy Birthday Gmail! It turns 5 already, and that means, I’ve been using Gmail for almost 5 years too. To my suprise, after digging my archive, I still have the very first welcome email...


Visiting Taman Metropolitan Kepong

It’s my first time here. I’m following my friends to FRIM to gather information about the photography competition, and I happened to arrive late and they are all already headed to Taman Metropolitan Kepong....


Happy Chinese New Year 2008

Every year, for every celebration, my company is sending an e-card to our clients, as an effort to reduce the usage of papers, as our awareness to environment – save more trees. This is...


Partial solar eclipse on 26th January

KUALA LUMPUR: Rakyat Malaysia berpeluang menyaksikan gerhana matahari separa pada kira-kira jam 4.30 petang pada 26 Januari ini. Menurut Agensi Angkasa Negara (Angkasa), gerhana matahari anulus akan berlaku pada tarikh itu selama tiga jam...