Maxis Broadband hidden charges


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

5 Responses

  1. taufik says:

    staff and the whole company CANNOT BE TRUST. Happened to my friend and they still not pay him for alsmost 1 year.

  2. PanAdoL7e says:

    erk.. ala.. baru nak terminate…

  3. KNizam says:

    aku paling benci benda2 mcm ni lakena pegi counter la. bla bla blabetul2 membuang masa kan. diaorang hengat kita neh byk masa ke. hehe 🙂

  4. Imran says:

    taufik: uiks… what happened to your friend?

    panadol: tunggu je cukup setahun. no headache pasal handling fee yg confusing tu. hehe

    knizam: tapi best gak gaduh2 kat kaunter ni. i’m enjoying it very much. kalau tgk org lain gaduh ngan kaunter lagi best tengok. haha

  5. s a r a h . a b d u l l a h says:

    huh? like that eh maxis? wah. saya suka kalau dpt tgk adegan kamu gaduh2 kt counter. pasti sewonot lg menghiburkan mcm tgk Naruto. len kali, pastikan anda pijak2 counter tu. kasi mereka kaget. tp pastikan sentiasa paparkan aksi senyum smpi telinga tanda mesra walaupun kamu tgh hot chili papers!

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