Tagged: Holiday


Happy New Year 2013

It’s the final day of the first month of 2013. I guess it’s not that too last (since we are still in January) to wish you all happy new year. It is very unlikely...


Kuching Trip – Day 3

This is practically my dinner + breakfast for today + lunch. Had an early meal yesterday that I skip my dinner, and waking up too late today for breakfast. In the evening, we decided...


Kuching Trip – Day 2

Let’s talk about food during my second day here. The day is filled with visiting and hanging out at various eating place. In Kuching, you will see that ayam penyet / ayam bakar dished...


Kuching Trip – Day 1

The day that I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. I have bought this ticket since 3 Jan this year. The flight went to Kuching went smoothly, except for 20 mins delay, which is...


I’m in Hari Raya mood

It’s the 20th night of Ramadhan tonight. I don’t know why. I can’t really wait to go back to hometown this year. I will be away from work and from KL for 10 full...


Holiday mood

Just in another 1/2 an hour time, I will begin my 12 and 1/2 days annual leave. I will be back to work again next year on 3rd Jan 2011. And it’s a really...


Clearing annual leave for 2010

Supporting AP countries at work makes it hard for me to be away from office for long. And usually, even I’m not in the office, I still have to work from home. For that,...


Kuala Lumpur public holidays for 2011

Received the list of public holidays for Malaysia from HR just now, and below are the ones that KL will be observing. Public Holiday Date Day New Year’s Day 1st Jan Saturday Thaipusam 20th...


Bali Vacation: Day 1

The day that I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived – the day that I will be going to Bali. Got out from the house as early as 12pm to catch the 5pm flight...


Bali Vacation

It’s been a while since I travel for leisure, where the last one was the trip to Phuket early last year. Most of the time, it’s due to work which I don’t have time...