Category: My Cats


Goodbye Oyen

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم I have to admit that this blog entry is by far the hardest to write. I’m forcing myself to finish up this post that I have kept in the draft...


Happy 6th Anniversary Oyen

It just feels like yesterday that I wrote an entry about the first year Oyen being with me. Well, 5 years have past since then, and Oyen now has been with me for full...


Wheatgrass feast for my cats

Following my previous entry about Grass for my cats, I begin the planting process right after I got the seed. At the beginning part of this, it grows rapidly. This is after 1 day...


My cats sleeping

I love looking at serenity and tranquility of cats sleeping. It’s like nothing in the world that worries them. A few of photos of my cats sleeping.


Grass for my cats

I have been searching for pet store that sell cat grass for so long already, but all of the shops don’t have any stock. I found one shop in Damansara Uptown, but on the...


Oyen and Souvenir from Marts and Tot

Remember the books that I got from Marts long time ago back in May 2009? Frankly speaking, all this while (for almost 2 years) they are still mintly wrapped in the original box that...


My well toilet trained cat

Not all of my cats that I keep in my bedroom when sleeping at night. The only cat that has privilege so far is just Oyen. Why? Because Oyen don’t usually bother your sleep...


Groceries for my cats

Before I ever did groceries shopping for myself for this month, I did one first for my cats. Their foods almost finished, and it’s another trip to my usual place – Petzone at Damansara...