More template tweaks


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

3 Responses

  1. Malique says:

    Laa.. bg kawe… demo tak leh cakap entry demo ni crap atau perkataan yg sewaktu ngannya..tak baik la cakap cengitu…sbb blog tu kan hak kita… so, ikut suka kita la nak cerita apa. kita bebas nak letak apa aja. Bg kawe, blog demo ada aura tersendiri & its make me jenguk & tengok tiap-tiap hari.

    pasal benda template tu, kawe rasa pc kawe jadi berat tambah2 msa nak scroll blog demo.

  2. amirahsyuhada says:

    sabo..sabo..mmg xtrkejor..benda2 ni amat mengasyikkan tu yg dok bt saya xlekang dr internet ni.testing..testing

  3. Imran says:

    malique: hehehe. tuulah. kawe kekadang tu susoh nok maintain the thought that kito tulis blog ni just for ourselve, dan itu hak kita nok tulis apa2 pun. pasal berat tu, harap2 korang sumer boleh live with it. hehehehe

    amirahsyuhada: haaa. at last, dpt jugak cik amirah kita tinggalkan komen kat sini. thanks for commenting 😉

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