M're Undefined Blog


Uneng Modelling II

From the day that I realized Uneng is quite photogenic, Uneng kept giving me more opportunity for me to photograph him. Was cleaning my room tonight, where Uneng is with me in the room....


My cats at office

Well, not literally. I just stick the photo of my 4 cats at my cubicle, and feel like showing it on my blog. I wonder what are they doing at the moment?


Salary increment for 2008

Gosh. So many events that happened to me at the start of this year. It’s quite hectic I have to say. But what happened today is really a pleasing one. My boss called me...


Uneng Modelling

I’ve been taking hundred of photos for the past 2 days with my new camera, just to get familiar with the new toy. And one of the subject of my experimentation is my cat....


Getting Maxis Broadband

Went to Digital Mall today, to survey for a new printer also helping friend to buy USB drive. It happened that there is Maxis Broadband roadshow here. You know what? There’s a crazy thing...


It’s Playtime

Didn’t I tell you that my 13th month pay (bonuslah tu) is out already? I’m so in the mood for shopping. I guess the shopping devil still haunting me despite of my lengthy blog...


Controlling my financial (in action)

My major new year resolutions for this year mostly related to manage my financial better. I guess I shouldn’t be shy to confess that I’m a very bad credit card user. I spend really...


Wish List for 2008

I’d like to talk about my wish list for 2008. Some of the products on my wish list here have quite a high price tag. Well, that’s what wish list is all about right,...


New toys for 2008

Below are the new toys that I recently get, which I can conclude that those are new toys for the 2008. Philips SBC HN110 Active noise cancelling headphone First is this Philips SBC HN110...


First entry for 2008

Happy New Year everyone. So I guess this is my blog entry for 2008. How did you spend the very early hour of 2008? Well, as for me, just wondering around KL with no...