Category: Food


Mee Kuah

I happened to go back to my hometown towards the end of March for a week during school holiday. I haven’t been back to Kelantan yet for 2013, so I guess this is the...


Eating Durian at SS2

Last year, I kinda miss the durian season. Well, I did bought a few packed one from Carrefour. So this year, I don’t want to miss that again. This brings me to SS2 to...


Darabif Burgers

I am at Petzone Damansara Uptown today for my usual bi-monthly food stock up for my furry kids. If you have heard of “Nasi Kukus Ayam Dara Berempah”, there’s another virgin in town. Came...


Pak Ya Chinese Muslim Food

Tonight, I feel like eating something different from what I normally eat for dinner. Been asking amongst my friends where someone suggested Chinese food. There’s a well known halal Chinese food restaurant – Pak...


Nasi Goreng Ayam Berlada at Gerai Sri Muar

I’m a fan of Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice). My colleague at office and my friends may already notice that that everything I eat outside, I always order nasi goreng. Sometimes, something simple and plain...


Ireland’s Potato

I had “nasi goreng” for breakfast earlier today, and not feeling like having rice again for lunch today. Wandering the lower ground floor of Mid Valley Megamall and The Gardens Mall, I came across...