M're Undefined Blog


Gadgets oh gadgets

This is just another thing that makes me feel restless. It happened to me last time when I got my 80GB iPod Video. Not it happened again to my Canon EOS 40D DLSR camera....


Google Chrome is my main browser now

  Every single tech website / blog is talking about Google Chrome now. Well, people might think, this is just another browser. But I bet after you read this story behind the technology used...


My house on fire

It’s just another normal Wednesday on the 19th day of Ramadhan. Went to the nearby “bazar Ramadhan” to buy foods for iftar later today. Once done, got to the lift, and headed to my...


Shashinki, Think Tank Photo, City-Link

I’ve been browsing Shashinki’s website for quite sometimes now. This is one of my favourite website when doing a survey of the market price of photography equipments. As a matter of facts, the price...


Blackout at Bandar Baru Sentul

It’s almost 11pm, and I’m getting ready for bed already. While doing my final surfing before I’m off to bed, things turned out dark. What? A blackout? Glimpse through my bedroom window, and it...


Mohd Imran’s Photoblog

  Guess what? I just set up my own personal photoblog, just to showcase on how bad I am when taking photos with my Canon EOS 40D. LOL. It’s still in crude state, but...