M're Undefined Blog


New fridge

A friend of mine greet me today on YM, and he suddenly ask why I haven’t been updating my blog for so long. Well, this looks like a well known problem of me then...



Next episode of this previous entry. My leave application has been rejected, and the application form has been returned back to me. This is the same application form a few minutes later. And that...



I don’t know, this email from my boss really gets to my nerves. Hi Imran,As you know so many project need you personal support at the moment, can you not take last week of...


Housing loan approved

I’m a step closer in owning my own house. Late yesterday, I got a from the banker that’s handling my housing loan that my loan is already approved. Was suppose to meet her last...


Giant leap – Buying a new house

I still feel like dreaming. Many say that buying a house might be the most expensive buy that you’ll do in your life, and I basically done that at last. I was walking around...


Random thoughts

7 years being at my current workplace, for the very first time, I’m feeling so suffocated on how messy things have become now. Seriously, I used to love and enjoy doing my job before,...


ASAT on labor day

It’s a labor day today, and it’s a public holiday. I’m taking Friday off as well. So, it’s quite a long break for me them. So, what I really do today? You won’t believe...


Iron Man premier screening

Just came back from watching the premier screening of Iron Man at GSC One Utama. As always, the free tickets are courtesy of Mr. Farihad. Thanks man. I like the story very much. Clinking...


One uncertain leap

I’m in dilemma, so as the title of this entry. Just a while ago the CLID display of my office phone showing a random number. I picked up the phone, and the person greet...


2007 Income Tax return

It’s time of that year again for the submission of the income tax return. And it is the time where you will have funny feelings about seeing your hard earned money has to be...


Status: Connected

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh…. It feels like I have been given back my life. Came back home from work earlier, first thing that I did is to check the status of my router. Feels like jumping in...