Scroller added!!
Muahahaha. Fascinated with the Volutpat Venenatis theme in my previous entry, I have added the scroller to my blog too. /me very happy But I still need to hack the CSS a little, i.e...
Muahahaha. Fascinated with the Volutpat Venenatis theme in my previous entry, I have added the scroller to my blog too. /me very happy But I still need to hack the CSS a little, i.e...
It’s my “jalan jalan carik website” rancangan again. Hehehe. Motif surfing2 tanpa hala tujuan during office hour? Takde kejelah ni kut. Came across this blog for “blog template” (berapa byk punya blog daa…), Blogger...
Hhhm. Nothing much to blog for now, except to post the progress so far with the puzzle. Below is how it looks like when I stop doing it at 12:54am. Ngantuk dah aih. The...
Do you have friends that are using 012 or 017 mobile number? Running out of credits to send them sms? Well, I just stumble upon this cool service from Maxis, Maxis WebSMS. I just...
I have been making myself really busy this weekend with going to my friend’s pool side party yesterday, and doing several things today too. Going for a movie is good I guess today. Just...
Today, I went to my ex-colleague’s, Yin Hwa, pool side party,. She used to be a web designer in the company that I work now. When I first join this company, I joined into...
I just came back from Technology Park Malaysia, and I can’t help my itchy hands of writing an entry for my blog today. Well, sementara masih bersemangat + rajin nak menulis ni, I will...
Thanks Malique for reminding me about the ticket to “balik kampung” for the Hari Raya Aidilfitri this year. As you probably know, getting ticket for Hari Raya holiday is quite a hectic one especially...
So what really happened this morning? As usual, I woke up at around 8am like that, took a shower, get dressed, and I usually ready to go to office around 8:30am like that. My...
Bored & pissed off with an incident that happened this morning, I end up posting any junk that I can find from my inbox to this blog. So, what happened to me this morning?...
7th September the other day, genaplah setahun usia domain di bawah hak milikku. Aku masih ingat lagi time aku, aku terpaksa tunggu 6 bulan sebelum aku dapat ambik domain ni jadik hak milik...
Hi all. This is just another version of birth date related personality. Mine is WALNUL TREE. Which one is yours? Find your birthday and then find your tree… This is cool and somewhat...