Tagged: condo


Casa Idaman show unit

Casa Idaman seems like to be a trending topic now at my blog (when looking at the access log). Well, just to bring everybody down to the memory lane, below are the pics taken...


Casa Idaman Progress 24102010

Kinda wondering what has happened to the Casa Idaman. I’m reading from the Casa Idaman Facebook page, and everybody just can’t wait to get a key to the house. So I pay a visit...


Casa Idaman Progress 16052010

Kinda wondering what a month can do to Casa Idaman Condominium. My last visit was almost a month ago. Quite a promising progress I have to say. And this is Block A, where I...


Casa Idaman Progress 17042010

Decided to visit the site of my future condo today. It’s looking good now. I guess the progress now is 75%/80%? But lots of people kinda disappointed with the color, which is totally different...