Tagged: condo


CIRP : Buying T5 fluorescent lamps

CIRP : Casa Idaman Renovation Project This will be the final purchase that I’m doing for my house renovation – buying T5 fluorescent lamps to be used in the L-Box of the ceiling. The...


CIRP : Casa Idaman is Unifi ready

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project One of the thing that makes me so excited to move to my new house is knowing that Casa Idaman is Unifi ready. In case you don’t know...


CIRP : Plaster ceiling work started

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project The plaster ceiling work actually has started since last week, right after the wiring work has been finalized. So this post is more to the progress report. The...


CIRP : Buying replacement tiles

One item from my house wiring work is to add several additional power points at kitchen (for fridge, built in oven, built in microwave and other electric kitchen appliances). Since there are tiles at...


CIRP : ZENcelo Full-Flat Switch

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project Apart from doing some of wiring work at my home, I also decided to change all the sockets and switches to ZENcelo Full-Flat switches. Found a thread at...


CIRP : Renovation officially started

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project It’s official. The renovation work for my new house has finally started today, expected to finish on 4th of February 2011. The very first stage of the renovation...


CIRP : KDK ceiling fans and more lights

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project More electrical stuffs gathering today. This is another big purchase for house renovation – getting 5 units of ceiling fans. Somehow, KDK brands does have place in my...


CIRP : Wiring plan

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project With the renovation work will start tomorrow, and the very first thing is to hack the walls for the additional sockets and switches of the added power points,...


CIRP : Kitchen renovation planning

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project I still have a headache of what to do with my sweet little kitchen. Wall hacking for installing additional power points will start soon, so I need to...


CIRP : Buying down lights

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project My house renovation project is pretty much confirmed, where my contractor need RM6500 deposit before he can start work. That’s going to happen after 3rd Jan 2011 as...


Casa Idaman renovation planning

I will be meeting 2 of the contractors this coming Sunday to request for the quotation of the renovation plan for my new house. But before that, I need to be certain of what...


My tiny little house

I was calling Billion Horizon last Friday to ask about something, but I got a bonus answer to my question where the lady that took my call told me that OCBC has fully disbursed...