My tiny little house


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

14 Responses

  1. marts says:

    Tahniah, akhirnya. Marts gayat, tak boleh rumah tinggi2. Kalau ada balcony for sure tak akan duduk di balcony. He he he….

    Dapur sempat tak apa, IKEA selalu ada idea for small kitchen. :-DDD

  2. Imran says:

    thanks marts.

    balcony dia quite narrow. scarry gak. sekarang tgh fikirkan camner nak buat nak tutup gap between railings kat balcony tu. klu tak my cats tu akan terjun one by one. hehe

    tulah marts. memang teringin nak ada ikea kitchen. nanti nak ambik measurement, pastu nak suruh staff kat ikea tu tolong design dapur pakai software ikea tu. just nak tahu estimate harga dia.

  3. ameeyn says:

    berapa maintenace fee bulan2?

  4. yazid says:

    ran, aku pun rasa agak sempit pada harga 100k above, aku rasa berbaloi kalau ko amik semi d

  5. halim says:

    Nak tanya sikit, elektrik dah ada masuk ke belum?

  6. nazri says:

    yeah dah tau unit umah imran kat mana x xx xx….lol…lupa nak padam ke imran…

  7. glad says:

    congrats!! i remember when i stumbled upon your blog it was years ago when you still lived in hillpark and casa idaman was still under construction. How time flies.

    • Imran says:

      hi glad. thanks for stopping by here again. yeap. time does fly so fast. it almost 1/2 a year already that i'm at the new house

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