Author: Imran


My New PC V

Wow! It’s the 5th blog entry about my new PC. Anyway, I got new chassis, new CPU cooler and modding cathode light here, and I got additional 4GB RAM and internal All in One...


My New PC IV

I promise. This will be the last shopping that I do for my new PC. Not long after I did my third round of shopping, I just have another crazy idea that I want...


Souvenir from Marts and Tot

I received the following email from admin early evening yesterday when checking my office’s email from home. And in my mind, I have so many questions as I’m not expecting any parcel. What could...


Rio Febrian – Aku Bertahan

To view the video for this, click here.   Artist  :  Rio Febrian Song  :  Aku Bertahan Album  :  Aku Bertahan Sedih… Ku tahu kini perasaanmu kepadakuSedih… Saat kau tak yakin kepadaku akan cintaku...



Haha. I hope that you are not vomiting reading about new things that I keep buying for my new PC. Just try to live with it ok 😉 Been accompanying my Penang friends to...


New monitor for my old PC

Since I got my new PC now, I’m not going to neglect my of PC that has already served me for almost 5 years now. I’m thinking of putting this PC in the living...


My New PC II

The problem when I’m getting something new, I want everything to be new. So went to Low Yatt Plaza again after work today. I want new keyboard for my new PC. And of course,...


My New PC I

I went to the first PC Fair for 2009 last Friday with quite a big hope actually. After a long thought, I decided to upgrade my PC. But I’m rather dissapointed to see that...


2008 Income Tax return

Just feels like yesterday that I do this exercise – calculated my hard earning money, and being in misery seeing my hard earning money has to be given back to government. Well, I’m using...


Vote me at Blogger Awards

My oh my. I’m quite suprised getting to know that my blog is selected as the finalist for Blogger Award. Thanks to farridhusin who left me a message about this on TagMe! Well,...


Maxis Broadband hidden charges

I officially terminated my Maxis Broadband on 7th February 2009. Actually, I was visiting Maxis Center way earlier than that to terminate my Maxis Broadband account, but the Maxis stuff there suggested that I...