My New PC IV


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

12 Responses

  1. amirahsyuhada says:

    never know winxp can only support up to 3gb! I had plan on my mind to upgrade my pc to the maximum RAM that can put on the slots.Hmmm.Thanks for the info, imre. i still with xp in my pc, my notebook use vista, kinda hate that. And 64-bit vista, is not for amateur like me..hehe.

  2. marts says:

    Imre, ngeri la tgk your shopping. Ha ha ha…

    Tapi 8GB!!! Bestnya.

  3. pyan says:

    salam Imran,

    saya ada satu PC yg berusia 6 tahun. Jarang guna kerana saya ada laptop. PC ni menggunakan Pentium 4dan Windows XP.
    Masalah saya adalah mengenai memorynya yang menggunakan RDRAM.
    Boleh tak kalau saya tukar kepada jenis DDR dgn menggunakan MOBO yg asal.
    Didahulukan ucapan terimakasih

  4. LaLa says:

    eN. iMraN,
    eLlo.a giRl frOm pNtai tiMur ere.i’m a zEro-knowledGe regarDing iT/ pC/tEchnoloGy.howEver,i liKe gadgEts.mule noTice uR bLog whEn i’m sUrveyinG HTC TP.aftEr reAding ur bLog,i bot it (but,i woRK wif a miNimuM saLary anyBody can tHink of) huHu!anYhu,waNna sAy thAnx coZ u inSpire mE a LOT! (hP,cAts,wOrks,liFe)
    Sincerely, thank u…

  5. Imran says:

    amirah: saya pun baru tahun last year sebenarnya. last year we had this big project, with millions of records. our pc in office come standard with 2GB RAM. That project caused the application to hit the memory limit, then we request additional RAM from IT. IT said, they can only add 1GB more as there’s no point of adding more. Then I research on the internet. It’s truelah. WinXP can support max 3GB. Luckily that project didn’t hit memory limit again after we upgrade, if not that project is doomed as we can no longer add memory. Huhu

    Marts: Hehe.. No looking back 😀 Baru lepas siap install Vista semalam. Bestnya pakai 8GB. My PC feels so responsive. Click je application, terus bukak. Tak yah tunggu lama2 for memory swapping.

    Pyan: I’m afraid awak kena upgrade motherboard klu nak guna DDR RAM. Tapi DDR still mahal. DDR2 je yg murah. Tapi nak pakai DDR2, kena tukar processor + motherboard sekalilah.

    Lala: I hope you enjoy your HTC TP 😉 Anyway, which part of pantai timur ek u from? Lastly, thanks also for visiting my blog 😉

  6. LaLa says:

    eN. iMran,
    tHanX fOr uR feEdbAck.i’M fRoM paHaNg actUalLy.eVentHo i’m aN idiOt wHen it cOmes to tEchNoloGy,i sTil LOVE gadGets.n GAMES too.oNly haVe pS2 n pSp.(got 2 guitArhEro=chiLdish iSn’t iT?)pS3@ xBox on dA wAy.gOt mY eyE on iPhoNe too.buT juz aDopT 2 kiTTens.sO,knE tGgu saLaRy.huHu!soRy 4 loNg coMmeNts (n nOt rElaTed 2 uR nEw pC).hehe!tAke caRe.wiL coNtinuE bEinG inSpireD bY u tHo.. =)

  7. gatchan says:

    Salam boss… ape kaba? lama tak dengar cite…

    hopefully, i will afford to have a 64-bit machine… someday…

    keep posting wonderful post because you’ve inspired us with your, wisdom, knowledge and humility…


  8. Pyan says:

    imran.. thanks for your advice..

  9. Imran says:

    lala: tnx again. i hope i inspire you to start a blog too =)

    ema: hihi. puji lebih2 plak. dah blush neh

    pyan: ur welcome 😉

  10. My PS3 has gained a yellow light of death yesterday im really sad now 🙁

  1. September 14, 2016

    […] My New PC IV […]

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