Category: Casa Idaman


Ikea Kitchen Ideas

While I’m uploading the photos to be used for this entry, Oyen is soundly sleeping in front of me. Well, this is nothing to do with the Ikea kitchen, but it is very cute...


House renovation planning outing

Got the news that the key for Casa Idaman will be given sometimes this month. I’m really excited, and thus makes me dying to look around and plan for the renovation that I will...


Casa Idaman Progress 24102010

Kinda wondering what has happened to the Casa Idaman. I’m reading from the Casa Idaman Facebook page, and everybody just can’t wait to get a key to the house. So I pay a visit...


Casa Idaman Progress 16052010

Kinda wondering what a month can do to Casa Idaman Condominium. My last visit was almost a month ago. Quite a promising progress I have to say. And this is Block A, where I...


Casa Idaman Progress 17042010

Decided to visit the site of my future condo today. It’s looking good now. I guess the progress now is 75%/80%? But lots of people kinda disappointed with the color, which is totally different...


Casa Idaman Progress

Wow. I’ve done it again, not writing any entry for quite a long time. For the first time, I feel so blank that I just didn’t know what to blog. Got nothing to do...


Housing loan approved

I’m a step closer in owning my own house. Late yesterday, I got a from the banker that’s handling my housing loan that my loan is already approved. Was suppose to meet her last...


Giant leap – Buying a new house

I still feel like dreaming. Many say that buying a house might be the most expensive buy that you’ll do in your life, and I basically done that at last. I was walking around...