House renovation planning outing


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

10 Responses

  1. ctshah says:

    hai imran.i'm also can't hardly wait to get the key!me & my hubby saje2 drop by casa idaman last saturday & saje nak try masuk,and guess what?abg guard tu let us in!mmg tak percaya,rasa terujer plus menangis sbb happy first dpt tgk pool dekat2,round kat parking car,tgk playground (behind block b).tadi my hubby kata yg dia ada call cp group,dan they said yg kita akan dpt kunci 20hb nih.kitorg pun sampai nak patah kaki survey shop2 pasal umah.hehehe..

    • Imran says:

      wow. lucky you pak guard tu kasik masuk.

      oh ye ke. harap2 dpt bulan ni. dah tak sabar nak masuk, dan dah tak larat duk bayar loan interest tiap2 bulan. huhu

  2. farhan yusof says:

    wahh boleh lahh nnt buat open house,blh tlg kemas2 hehe anyway selamat duk umh baru..coming soon..:D

  3. farhan yusof says:

    mesti time tu dah superbly decorate B) dan kucing2 pun teruja duk rumah baru

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