Ikea Kitchen Ideas


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

13 Responses

  1. meowwmania says:

    hohh! banyaknya pilihan…cantik2 semuanya

    p/s: pelokkan si oyen demok ituh, gewam tgk dier 😀

  2. Anif® says:

    Suka ikea punya idea 🙂 Sesuai untuk rumah kecil.

  3. hedayat says:

    vote for no 5 & 6 from bottom ..
    and vote for oyen too .. hehhe .. sama macam my late dennis dulu .. http://plixi.com/p/61790487

  4. ctshah says:

    we've just got the letter from cp group today!actually yesterday dh dpt tapi my fil tak dgr posmen dtg.hehe..now,tgh tunggu bank disburse loan.oh,can't hardly wait!:-0

    • Imran says:

      tulah. saya pun br dpt surat tu hari ni (sampai kat kg 2 hari lepas). my mum terus pos laju. huhu. same gak. tgh tunggu OCBC disburse all the amount. belum apa2 lagi dah kena bayar RM900+ for maintenance fee and all. sigh

  5. ctshah says:

    tadi baru dpt news dari hubby yg ocbc release loan tu ari nih.so,mungkin hari jumaat @ sabtu dpt kunci!caiyok!caiyok!

  6. Elle says:

    nak pinjam oyen boleh?

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