Category: Casa Idaman


CIRP : Buying ICI Dulux paints

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project Previously, my contractor was quoting me RM800 for the painting work of my new house’s wall and ceiling (without paint). Sounds a bit expansive to me. Then I...


CIRP : Final day of renovation work

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project It’s the last day of the first month of 2011, and it’s also the last day that my contractor will do the renovation for my house. There are...


CIRP : Finding the direction of Kiblat

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project Well, I consider this to be part of my renovation project : renovating myself to be closer to Him 🙂 I own a compass from before when I...


CIRP : Buying KDK A11YS Baby Fan

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project I though the purchase of T5 Lightings last time was the final purchase that I will ever do for my house renovation purposes. As stated in my entry,...


CIRP : Letting go of KCC 856 paint

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project Towards the end of my yesterday’s post, I did mentioned the suggestion from my con to repaint the whole house instead of just patching the area with the...


CIRP : Buying T5 fluorescent lamps

CIRP : Casa Idaman Renovation Project This will be the final purchase that I’m doing for my house renovation – buying T5 fluorescent lamps to be used in the L-Box of the ceiling. The...


CIRP : Casa Idaman is Unifi ready

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project One of the thing that makes me so excited to move to my new house is knowing that Casa Idaman is Unifi ready. In case you don’t know...


CIRP : Plaster ceiling work started

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project The plaster ceiling work actually has started since last week, right after the wiring work has been finalized. So this post is more to the progress report. The...


CIRP : Buying replacement tiles

One item from my house wiring work is to add several additional power points at kitchen (for fridge, built in oven, built in microwave and other electric kitchen appliances). Since there are tiles at...


CIRP : ZENcelo Full-Flat Switch

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project Apart from doing some of wiring work at my home, I also decided to change all the sockets and switches to ZENcelo Full-Flat switches. Found a thread at...