M're Undefined Blog


Messy week

Late Thursday night, while I was browsing the internet, suddenly I’m getting page not found error. It happened to all website. Quick ping to www.yahoo.com gives timeout, which reveals that I no longer have...


New laptop and new gadgets for laptop

Finally, all the managers and team leaders in my department have been given a laptop. It’t not really the high end one, but this Dell Latitude D630. I guess it’s not bad with 2.0GHz...


My cats in tunnel

It’s been a while since I last blog about my cat. Recently, I got my boys a new toy for them to play with, and it’s actually a tunnel that looks like below. I...


Visiting NextHorizon in Guangzhou – Day 1

So, what brings me to this foreign land? Actually, I’m visiting the vendor site – NextHorizon – for this whole week. My company has this thing called smart sourcing, and working together with NextHorizon...


Flying to Guangzhou

It’s time for me to travel again. Gosh. I started to feel exhausted and sick of this. I got my luggage packed, and most importantly, 3000 Yuan, ticket and passport in sight so that...


Down the memory lane

I received a message from my long lost friend on Facebook. Actually, he is my housemate when I was in Kolej Mara Banting, doing International Baccalaureate. Man. It’s been 12 years since the day...


New accessories for my Canon EOS 40D

Since I first started my aquarium hobby (here), I was getting more and more equipments/accessories for it (here, here, here, here, here and here. Same goes when I had my first cat (here), and...


Lazy Afternoon

Huarrgghh.. I feel so sleepy at the moment on unproductive weekend like this. My cats are long in deep sleep already. All four of them kept showing variety of sleeping habit. And below is...