Category: Work


Clearing annual leave for 2010

Supporting AP countries at work makes it hard for me to be away from office for long. And usually, even I’m not in the office, I still have to work from home. For that,...


Synovate CATI Training

It’s been a while since I last writing a blog entry under Work category. And it also been a while since I last join any regional training as trainee. Well, there one happening this...


I’m Busy

Sigh! I’ve been really really busy lately. My task list has been growing day after day, with 1 now is 6 days overdue already. Need to revised the due date for that then. Help!...


Thailand TOM Training – Day 5

Finally, it’s the final day of the training. And here are the survivors that endure the 5 days course of the training. Going back to KL tomorrow. So I guess it’s goodbye to Bangkok.


Thailand TOM Training – Day 4

It’s 4th day of the training. I moved to a new topic today – which is tabulation. Things went pretty well, which I finished presenting all the topics for the day rather quick. The...


Thailand TOM Training – Day 3

There’s actually no training today, as it’s a public Holiday for Thailand due to H.M. Queen’s Birthday, which also marks the Mother’s Day in Thailand. To start off the morning, I take longer breakfast...


Thailand TOM Training – Day 2

It’s the end of the second day of training. So Sastra is bringing me around Bangkok again tonight, this time to the central of Bangkok. Traffic here is as bad as Malaysia after office...


Thailand TOM Training – Day 1

First day of the training. There are 8 of my trainees altogether, where 1 decided not to attend since she didn’t really finish the foundation training yet. Finding the Thailand office is not that...


My photo features in my company’s twitter

I was browsing and reading my twitter page earlier today, where I quite shock to see one entry made by my company’s twitter which has reference to me. At first I thought I see...


Leaves Melancholy

Below are the unplanned leaves (Emergency Leave and Sick Leave) that I took for the last month, until this week. Looks pretty bad huh. But trust me, all of those taken due to my...


Fall sick again

I fall sick again. This is the second time in 2 weeks time, and this time, my temperature is higher. Went to doctor again, and same answer, it is just a normal fever. But...