I don’t know, this email from my boss really gets to my nerves.
Hi Imran,
As you know so many project need you personal support at the moment, can you not take last week of June instead take in couple month later when most of the programmer on track?If you worry about losing your 2007 leave which I will talk to H.R to sort it out.
I told her a while ago about me going to finish up my 4 days annual leave from last year during the last week of June, and I have plans laid down already for this precious 1 week leave, and now she’s asking me to cancel it.
yes, go to hell with her…err..if u can…err
e,sabo ek..hehe..apa perancangannyer??hujung june nih?ahehehe
huhu bos pompuan… bitch kan hehehe
boss pompuan mmg mcm tu…. ko kasi ngamokkkks
weh.. bukan semua bos pmpuan cm tu… bos lelaki pun sama cmtu gak…
per pun bro.. bwk sabar jer… bincang la ngan dia.. kalo dia x bagi cuti gak.. bgtau dia, bro gi kerja tp x leh fokus kerja,…xyah wat kerja..