iPhone 4 released in Malaysia

Being a user of iPhone 3G, I so want to upgrade to iPhone 4. All the cool features that you can do with the iPhone; with the release of iOS 4 just simply not available in 3G. But that’s not the biggest drawback. The chip in iPhone 3G is just too slow for the latest apps.

After so many teasers sent in email by Maxis, today Maxis reveals the details of exclusive iPhone 4 launch event, and the rate plans for iPhone 4.

The rate plan for iPhone 4 doesn’t differ much from the previous iPhone 3GS rate plan, only the free data, free SMS and free MMS is doubled from last time.

The launch event is unique one. The pre launch event starts 9pm Thursday, 23rd September 2010 with entertainment, and iPhone 4 starts to be on sale at the midnight of Friday, 24th September 2010. There’s also a day launch event of Friday and Saturday.

The midnight launch event and iPhone sale does sounds catchy, so I book a spot for that Friday midnight and also by booking the 32GB iPhone 4.

I’m still juggling of whether to upgrade my iPhone or buy Sony Vaio netbook. Also there is no obligation to by iPhone 4 even if you have booked it, only that you will get the privilege of getting one first. So we’ll see this Friday midnight of what will happen.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

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