Keje, pegi lab, tido, mimpi, buka puasa

Bangun pukul 6 pagi.
Bersiap2 + pergi kerja.
Aiseh, John kasik aku suruh buat tangga yg 2 lagi tuh.
Lepas kerja, pergi lab kejap.
Check mail.
Can’t believe it.
No mail for me.
So, balik rumah.
I am disturbed by that wierd kinda feeling yg aku selalu duk alami tuh. But this this, not as bad as normal month. Ramadhan katakan. Setan takde.
Bangun tidur, and do some cooking for berbuka.
Tak best sgtlah. Takde menda yg nak masak lagipun.
Oklah diary. Tu jerlah untuk kali ni.
Harap aku akan dapat tulis selalu dalam kau.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

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