New Maxis Mobile Internet Packages

Maxis has a new packages line up for its Mobile Internet.

From the list of packages above, there’s no more RM99 unlimited use mobile internet. The same with the data package that comes with iPhone, when you use more that the allowed quota, the additional usages will be charged RM0.0005/KB. So let say you reached the monthly quota, and you download an MP3 of the size 5MB.

5MB = 5000KB
5000 x RM0.0005 = RM2.50

That’s expensive. And the very famous question that I keep receiving from others is, how to check how much bandwidth that I have used. The answer is very simple. You can’t check. Maxis doesn’t have that facility. Maxis is doing daylight robbery by charging the excess usage by not providing any utility for the customers to check their bandwidth consumptions.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

12 Responses

  1. marts says:

    Maxis memang buat duit sungguh. Dah la ada limit. Pakai Celcom prepaid broadband lagi senang.

  2. junaidix says:

    kalau maxis brodband, boleh check usage kat area online billing/customer service. memang kena register sendiri. rasanya sesapa yg ada line maxis boleh guna kot.. šŸ™‚

    • Imran says:

      maxis broadband ok. klu sampai quota, dia akan throttle speed je. takde additional charge. huhu

    • Rebeka says:

      You forgot that the Maxis pgakcae requires a voice plan to be attached to the data plan. The cheapest Value Plan 50 will mean that the minimum monthly commitment will be RM50 plus RM78-RM10 rebate for the 1.5GB plan, total of RM118. Similar to Celcom except that the data quota is half of Celcom’s and you have to pay for additional use of data once you exceed the quota. The other telcos just cap your speed.

  3. mana yang ok ni? celcom ke maxis?

    • Imran says:

      dua2 tak best. hehe. actually both on par now. dulu celcom ada prepaid. sekarang maxis pun dah ada prepaid plan utk broadband dorang. tapi dari segi coverage, celcom yg menang

  4. suhainini says:

    i pun ada call maxis td tanya about sebyk mana usage..they can't tell..currently they said benda tu tak boleh monitor unless u dapat itemised billed which is at the end of the that time..u might hit and exceeded 500 MB..

    • Imran says:

      tulah. i once guna melebihi 500MB time cuti raya puasa tahun lepas. no sms warning whatever. sakit gak nak bayar bill bulan tu. this is what we call "day light robbery"

  5. maxisbloodsucker says:

    maxis totally robbed me.. cost me 700 ringgit just to check email. i doubted how they charge the usage????

  6. jordan says:

    you all must do something,someone need to stop the phone companies.maxis is in top of the list.send me all your ic and name and i will write to the

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