www.mohdimran.com turns 1 year old
7th September the other day, genaplah setahun usia domain http://www.mohdimran.com/ di bawah hak milikku.
Aku masih ingat lagi time aku, aku terpaksa tunggu 6 bulan sebelum aku dapat ambik domain ni jadik hak milik aku.
Terdetiknya hati aku nak ada website sendiri ni bermula selepas aku frustrated mencarik free web hosting yg ad-free, support PHP dan ada MySQL database. So why not just sign up jer dekat any web hosting provider kat Malaysia nih. The price is quite affordable. My package is just RM150 yearly (web hosting + domain name).
So sebelum signup, kena pilih domain name yg sesuai dulu, dan kena check availability, takut org lain dah ambik. Apa kata pakai www.mohdimran.com, that’s my name and I should be proud of it.
Check punya check kat www.whois.sc, alamerk… dah ada org pakailah domain name tu. Time tu, ada 4 bulan lagi sebelum domain name tu expired. I just hoping that the person that owns the domain at that time didn’t actually intended of renewing it.
The day has finally arrived, when the domain name has entered the EXPIRED status. But it’s still not the end of my long waiting yet. Why? See below.
Nih adalah deletion process of the domain name from the DNS server.
Once domain tu dah masuk EXPIRED punya status, tuan empunya website tu ada masa 45 hari utk renew domain name tu. Time tu, domain name tu dah not usable, but tuan empunya can renew without any charges, and once renewed, the domain name can be used normally as usual again.
Punya berdebar time tu takut2 tuan empunya time tu renew balik. Tunggu punya tunggu, still with the same status, until finally, the domain name has entered REDEMPTION GRACE PERIOD status.
The tuan punya still has 30 days chance to renew domain, and the domain still not released and available to others for re-registration. So, bersambang penantian kut for another 30 days.
And the day has come, when finally, the domain name has entered DELETION status. Muahahaha. It will be mine soon. I have to act fast, fearing that there is another person out there in this world waiting to take this domain too. But I bet there will be no one (but what if there is??)
This is the time where almost everyday I went to the WHOIS server to see the status of this domain.
And on the sunny day of 7th September 2004, the domain has the status of available on the whois server. Tanpa melengahkan masa, hari ni gak aku sign up ngan hosting company yg aku pakai sekarang, and at the same time, aku also register for www.mohdimran.com domain, made the payment using Maybank2U, and was on the phone with the web hosting provider personnel telling that I have made the payment.
The next day, received an email from them, telling that my account has been created, and www.mohdimran.com is mine. Yes. It’s mine!!!! It’s mine!!!
Now I have to think of what sort of things that I want to put on my website. If only I have a lot of times…. So busy with work and don’t really have time for updating it.