“Balik Kampung” for Aidilfitri 1431H/2010M

This is rather a must entry every year before I’m going back to my hometown for Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration. I’ve got all of my bags and gadgets packed. And the usual “duit raya” spreading 🙂

Got to get ready now. Leaving to LCCT shortly, and having “sahur” on the way. Just can’t wait to reach my hometown.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

10 Responses

  1. HLiza says:

    Tak takut kena rompak ke dik..

  2. meowwmania says:

    banyaknya tukar duit raya, leh lar mintak ni ekk hehe..

    Selamat Hari Raya!

  3. syazell0201 says:

    Abang Imran , duit raya utk adik elina ade tak ? Nak note 50 3 keping minimum :)))) (dan dan panggil abang imran kann?)

    Selamat Hari Raya !!

  4. @aidilx says:

    astaga, byknya spend utk duit raya.. mintok skit duit abe imre.. haks! selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin enche imre..

  5. nasya says:

    hehe macam gambar skim cepat kaya, "dulu saya cuma pakai kancil, kini setelah join skim ni, saya pakai bmw 5series" atau "jana pendapatan 3000 sehari, hanya dengan klik pada link ini". hehe

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