Bercuti di Penang – Day 1


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

5 Responses

  1. aries1981 says:

    hi imran, wah..wah..seronoknye cuti2 malaysia ek? from my observation…imran suka pegi holiday kat penang ek? hmm…

  2. Imran says:

    hehehe aries. sebab ramai member2 kat sana. most of my kawan blog sumer duk penang. so bolehlah numpang tidur rumah diaorg kan. jimat duit sewa hotel. hehehehe

  3. Malique says:

    semua gambar cantik-cantik… pandai org yg tukang ambik…

    musim hujan ni payah jugak nak gi jejalan nih…

  4. dak^penang says:

    gambar masa bbq tak amik ke? ihks….

  5. Imran says:

    malique: hehehe. takde cantik mana pun. main tangkap muat jer tu
    dak^penang: tak ambik arr.. tak bawah turun digicam time tu. wat turun videocam je.

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