Casa Idaman Progress 17042010

Decided to visit the site of my future condo today. It’s looking good now. I guess the progress now is 75%/80%?

But lots of people kinda disappointed with the color, which is totally different from what’s shown in the brochure.

But again, that’s what we call artist impression, and they surely impress something good that is not usually translated to reality. Doh!


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

14 Responses

  1. guest says:

    do u want to sell ur kondo? how much?

  2. just drop by says:

    tak per…. janji dalaman dia cantik .. tak sabarnya menanti πŸ˜‰

  3. just drop by says:

    nanti update lagi yer progress dia… πŸ™‚

  4. mala says:

    rumah dah ada…wife bila lagi?

  5. yuzi says:

    hai…. umah dah siap lah….. rasanye tinggal nak buat jalan je tu…..

  6. zee says:

    hi….i oso beli umah kat casa idaman…juz nak check wif u whether u know if they r gonna remove the illegal shops along the roadside tu tak? coz my hubby said it somewhat looks like perumahan setinggan….ye ke?

  7. Sal says:

    zee totally agree with you. I hope diorang will clean up the area .. mcm merosakkan the environment je

    • Imran says:

      tapi mesti susah nak halau kedai2 tu. harap2 akan ada the next condo / other building yg akan dibangunkan kat area sebelah Casa Idaman tu. nanti those kedai2 will be forced to move out.

  1. May 30, 2010

    […] wondering what a month can do to Casa Idaman Condominium. My last visit was almost a month ago. Quite a promising progress I have to […]

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