CIRP : Renovation project almost completed


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

47 Responses

  1. farhan yusof says:

    try visit deko eric,konsep wallpaper dinding dia lawa..maybe nanti dapat idea untuk warne

  2. ctshah says:

    wow!cantiknyer ur plaster first nak wat camtu,tapi budget tak cukup.maybe later next year kut) @ tak buat langsung.kitorg pun tgh survey wallpaper.nnti kalau u dh dpt supplier yg harga dia ok,affordable,silalah war2kan kat sini ek.:-)

    • Imran says:

      thanks ctshah. boleh buat gak tu nanti 🙂

      anyway, tak plan nak pasang wallpaper. hanya nak cat je. tapi pening nak fikir theme warna utk setiap bilik. huhu

  3. Jijan says:

    waahh. cantik rumah nya… tu belum siap.. kalau dah siap lagi cantik.. 😀

  4. fizz says:

    nice.. cun giler lah… 😀

  5. dak^penang says:

    aircon tu yg tak tahan tu..macam opis plak..

    • Imran says:

      kos dia lebih kurang sama je ngan ambil 2 bijik aircond 1HP yg letak kat dinding. Alang2 dah buat plaster ceiling, lehlah letak cassette aircond. huhu

  6. Anif® says:

    Alhamdulillah.. Sudah hampir siap 🙂

  7. Ms Sim says:

    hi… finally i found 1 blogger that blog about casa idaman renovation works.. Myself is a casa idaman owner in block A. is it possible for you to tell me how much renovation cost that you have spend on installation of kitchen cabinet+plaster ceiling? I am still working to find the best reno company for my house.. but my house is smaller, only 1007sqf only….

  8. Ms Sim says:

    thank you! waiting for your reply.. between , you stay in block A or block B?

  9. Zamz says:

    Hi..nice work..nk letak like byk kt plaster syiling ni ;D simple with modern look..kami tgh survey utk dapatkan quotation plaster syiling, is it possible..if u can share with us too ;D

  10. ongkey says:

    nice reno…..and good blogging on ur renovation project…..

    may i know whr u purchase the weather proof outdoor socket??

  11. Imran says:

    the fan installation is included in my wiring quotation. my contractor just give a lump sum amount. not sure how much just for fan installation.

    as I bought new air conditioner, the installation is included already as well.

  12. Shikin says:

    Hi Imran…

    Boleh kasi i contact no for PC and wiring…I tengah cari 🙂 Thanks

  13. Yati says:

    hi, have been reading your blog to get some ideas what to do with my house. i'm actually one of the owner in block a (well, have not move in yet, will do soon). btw ur house look great.

  14. Linda says:

    Hi Imran…

    Boleh kasi i contact no for wiring… TQ ya!

  15. zara says:

    saya baru beli satu unit kat sini juga…tgh pikir nak renovate and found your blog that very helpful…bolehka saya nak dapatkan no contact contractor awak ni…terima kasih

  16. Hyzal says:

    Salam Imran,

    Nice blog.
    Boleh share contact no contractor utk plaster ceiling tu? Seems he has done good job at your Casa Idaman.

    Thank you in advance

  17. azreen says:

    hi, do you mind sending me details of the contractor who did your house. nice work.

  18. Khyriel says:

    nice job…very nice house..

    • Imran says:

      hehe. tnx bro. anyway, tu je yg termampu buat sekarang. byk lagi benda yg tak siap. dapur pun belum buat lagi. nak kena kumpul duit balik

  19. Salina says:

    Salam Imran..I baru nampak blog u, wow cantiknya rumah u so boleh bagi info ur contractor tak?

  20. Kelvin says:

    Salam imran, read your whole blog on cirp. Good job indeed! Can email me the contractor contact?

  21. mimi says:

    Hi…nice plaster ceiling….can share the info on plaster ceiling contractor and total cost spend for that…thanks

  22. nazreen says:

    Hi..can email me your contractor contact? Having headache looking for a good one..thanks..

  23. nabilah says:

    Salam en imran..bleh x nk dptkn ur contractor contact?tq..

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