Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1429H / 2008M

It’s another year that I’m celebrating Aidilfitri. Even though it’s the same routine that we do every year, but 1 year is not the same with another. This year, I have 14 nephews and nieces, and by next year, that will be 15.

Sate – This is the signature of my mum every single time of this festive season. And it has story of its own. My late father has kinda a very unique habit. Whatever that he wants to eat, he doesn’t like food that is bought. He only likes to eat food that is cooked by my mum. In the past, my mum has to go and learn on how to prepare sate and cook peanut. After also 40 years of doing this, every single time, the recipe has come to a perfection. Like what everybody says, mum’s cooking is the best dishes in the world.

The cake, self made, and courtesy of my sister in-law.

My mum with her angels. In black is my younger sister, and the rest of the beautiful ladies in pink are my sister’s daughters.

My eldest brother family is wearing blue this year. This is 2 of my eldest brother’s.

And my second brother’s family is wearing grayish blue this year.

At night, went to my sister’s house for open house. This is her daughter, and my 3rd brother daughter (in light blue) playing with the fireworks.

My 3rd brother 2 daughters are playing with the rabbit.

As always every single time we gathered here at my sister’s house, there will be this session where the guts of my nephews and nieces are tested by holding this big albino python. Boys turn first.

And next, the ladies.

This is the poor snake. I guess it must feel disturbed during his hibernation. According to my brother in law, the whole chicken is fed to the snake, and after that, the snake will hibernate for months.

My niece showing her talent in playing the piano. Amongst her other 3 siblings, she shows more talent compared to other.

Potential musician perhaps? Everybody keep telling him that his father (my second brother) is quite a musician too when he was young. I’m still a kid that time, and my brother did have a small band that time.

Well, that’s the story of my Aidilfitri this year. I’m flying back to KL on Saturday morning. How time moves so fast when you are having so much fun and joy. My 3rd brother will be going back to Kajang on this day too. My mum looks kinda sad. Anyway, I have said to myself, from now on, I should go back more often to my hometown.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

4 Responses

  1. amirahsyuhada says:

    fuhhh cunnya gambar2 ni imran, terutamanya gambar your mom with her angels. Jeles..jeles…one day I will get the DSLR camera!!! Berbaloi dengan aksesorinya yang u beli.

  2. rarza says:

    e, best nye ada family besar..mesti bising….rumah rarza sunyi je setiap kali raya..harap cousin2 or my uncle datang..klu tak mmg sunyi

    anyway saya sudah ada blog…yeay! hehehe

  3. Masy says:

    tu dia mcm2 aktiviti. bkn takat makan2 je, ade talent time, zoologi session, macam2lah ehehehehe

    wat a great raya 🙂

  4. misz_A says:

    best lah this entry ada byk gamba2… hehe…

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