House tidying phase x + 1

Following up my previous house tidying that concentrate at my bedroom, during the just past long weekend, I had done it again, this time focusing at my living room.

Furthermore, I have a new Sony Home Theatre System. Hehehehe. My brother works at Sony factory in Bangi, and he get to buy sony good at a discounted price. And it is really really cheap compared to the price that you can get from normal shop. For my model, it is RM450 cheaper. I guess that the prize the the reseller pay for the transportation and shop display cost in their premises. So since I get the thing straight from the factory, these costs haven’t been introduced yet.

Anyway, I sold my previous HT to my brother, and add a little bit of money, and he bought the new model for me. After 2 weeks ordering process, and I got my new HT last week, and only this week I have change of assembling it.

Oh my. I got tangled in the spaghetti of cables from my other appliances as well. My body all ache due to squeezing my big size body behind the tv rack.

Walla. Finish at last, and this time, the transformation is from


Then I enjoy my quite night watching the newly bought DVDs using my new Home Theatre system. Awwww.. The sound is superb.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

5 Responses

  1. dak^penang says:

    pasal tirai tu tergantung macam tuh… tak chantek laaa..uduh je… nanti letak rail…mesti lagi cantik…kemas umah E

  2. Imran says:

    curtain tu nanti arr. malas lagi nak pasang rail. landlord tu pun satu. dia suruh pasang sendiri. dia cakap, pasang sendiri, pastu kalu nak kena pindah ke apa nanti, klu nak cabut, cabutlah. hhmmmm

  3. yazid says:

    ran, tu curtain ke, atau pun kain pelikat nkau?

  4. Imran says:

    zid. aku beli curtain utk pintu grill tu dulu dekat RM100, ko cakap kain pelikat. hahahahaha…

  5. Claire 恬恬 says:

    Wow, imran… Your house is sonice and cuzzy… Hehehe… It’s always nice reading your blog. Always have new facinating stuff… (=^o^=)

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