It’s a messy weekend


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

12 Responses

  1. farhan yusof says:

    kene kemas wayar2 nie im, huhu risau lak tgk plug byk2

  2. Anif® says:

    Alangkah bahagianya jika semua peralatan tu tak menggunakan elektrik. Tak ada wayar yang menyemakkan.. hehe 😀

  3. yazid says:

    ran, aku nampak mcm nas storage aja tu

  4. kekawan says:

    Nampak kamu shopping kat lowyat last saturday.. Byk tuh beli…

  5. Ping says:

    Oh M're Command center ^^ nice

  6. Zarl says:

    bro.. buy eubiq wall sockets.. there's so many electrical shops sells it. even Top 10 got it. Will tidy ur place and looks so neat & expensive

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