Katty Kitty Kat


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

6 Responses

  1. faryzanis says:

    how much did u bought for it ? ngee lovely cat . got 4 cat b4 but 1 just died 4 days b4 raya .. dem .

  2. Anonymous says:

    hehehe.. seronoknye tengok ur cats .. btw.. oyen nampak chubby …

    ~ fizz

  3. amirahsyuhada says:

    owww..bestnyer kalo dpt g petswonderland, mesti byk brg utk pempot.

    bestlah tngok kucing2 tu berkumpul dan mengeksplore furniture tu.

  4. puteh says:

    just curious, with that many cats, do they share the same kitty litter box?

  5. Adian says:

    aww…. so adorable cats u have! my house got a visiting pregnant cat and i hope she will produce beautiful kittens!

  6. Imran says:

    faryzanis: mmm. dalam RM300ish (discounted from RM500ish)

    fizz: hehehe. tulah. oyen semakin chub ni haa. hhmm. takutnya baca fizz nyer blog entry tu

    amirah: cuti2 sekolah nih hamster dah jadik trend plak. kat carrefour kat sini pun siap ada satu section khas jual barang2 utk hamster

    puteh: yeap. they all share the same litter box. really a very hard work thing for me to do cleaning it. i have to clean twice a day – before go to work, after came back from work. it became my routine already. hehehe

    adian: wah. nice to hear. harap2 you’ll get cute kittens nanti šŸ˜‰

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