King Kong Primiere at IMAX


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

5 Responses

  1. Malique says:

    Hi imran,

    hehehe… now by adding yr blog feed, i will always be the first person to make a comment ok..?

    Wow… e demo gi tgk doh dih… entri ni buat kawe nok gi tgk hari ni jugok nih… aloh laa… kawe minat sgt la kalu my uncle Jackson tu buat citer… mmg kena beli dvd nanti… buat koleksi.

    aiyoooo… bila-bila ajar je betina yg berkaki panjang tu, kalau tak pun ambik gergaji kasi potong sama itu kaki…

    Aiyooo touching… i really dun like it… sedih… sedih… power betul mat salleh ni buat citer ek…

  2. meera says:

    amboiiiiiiii… gi nengok wayang tak ajak kita pun ek… hehehe…

  3. Imran says:

    hehe. tulah malique. kawe tgk demo mesti the first person yg komen. demo pakai blogroll ke?

    meera. movie tu habis tgh mlm arr. tak elok bawak anak dara/tunang orng/bini org keluar mlm2. heheheh

  4. Malique says:

    heheh imran, kawe guna Opera browser. So, dia ada Feeds… senang nak tahu demo update yr blog.

    Sebab termakan dek entri nih… kawe gi tgk King Kong semalam kat GSC Berjaya times Square (15 Dis) tayangan jam 9 mlm. Mmg gempak habis cerita dia. Its really my taste la citer cam tuh. Tapi bab touching at the end tu, for me takde la sedih sangat… hehehe… tapi nak gi jugak try nonton kat Imax… mungkin dia punya aura lain sikit kot.

  5. Imran says:

    hehehe. kawe kut yg terlebih emotional mlm tu..

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