My mixed feelings about getting a new PC


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

5 Responses

  1. Malique says:

    Beruntung nya dia dapat pc baru….

  2. Malique says:

    mmm patutla tak nampak demo kat ym… kalu demo hack tak leh ke? mcm diorang tak tahu yg kita install apa kat our pc.

    Kawe nih beruntung sebab kerja kat kompeni ni dapat laptop. Buat macam harte la pulok… install macam-macam.

    Kat ofis kawe nih, mmg kitorang communicate pasal kerja dengan ym. Kalau takde ym, alamak lingkup lah kompeni nih….

  3. Imran says:

    tulah. pc kawe dulu tu ala2 kawe administrator sebab kawe reformat balik pc tuh & dok join domain controller kat office kawe tuh. so kawe leh buat sesuka hati. tapi pc baru nih diaorg bui warning awal2 doh jgn reinstall pc tuh.

    tapi bulih sebenarnyo. kawe memang ado software utk kito reset administrator password kat komputer tu. tapi malaslah kawe. karang bising plok bebudok it tu tgk kawe install mace2 dale pc kawe tuh.

    esok kironyo kawe nok email boss kawe pasal satu software nih. Macromedia Dreamweaver. kawe kalu takdok software tu, memang tokleh nok wak kijo. berito pasal beli licensed version tu dok kedengaran sampai ko hari ning.

  4. Anonymous says:

    80gb.. mMmm yummie.. boleh download byk benda nieh.. ^-^?

    ~ fizz

  5. Imran says:

    tulah fizz. tapi sia2 je harddisk 80GB tu sebab sekarang takleh nak mengdownload mp3 ke apa sebab takleh nak install software. uwaa!!

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