My office’s aquarium comes alive

Looking at my blog’s visitor long, quite many people visiting the entries of planted aquarium set up. Browsing back those entries just bring back the joy that I have during the glory time of my aquarium hobby. Frankly speaking, that hobby of mine is slowly dying. From 3 aquariums that I have at home, now only 1 left, and it’s not planted at all.

Well, I have another aquarium at office. All I do is just to do water change every 2 week. Luckily the fishes survived. But, reading back the entries that I mentioned above somehow gives me some strength back, that it’s time to repeat the glory.

So after a quick visit to Pets Wonderland at Mid Valley yesterday, behold, the aquarium at my office comes alive again.

Going to buy a few more fishes this afternoon, especially those algae eater type. Otocinclus is what I have in mind now.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

4 Responses

  1. wanyusri says:

    huh!.. Auarium kat opis.. best nyaa..

  2. Imran says:

    tulah wanyusri. sejuk mata memandang

  3. Brother nice setup. I am from Bangladesh, I run a website which has info’s on setting up planted tank with things availabe in BD etc.
    wish we had java moss available in BD.

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