Playstation 2 Slim – My another new toy

Oh pleaseeee. I really need someone to smack my head. Been wasting money again buying this another beauty babe.

Below is just the thing that I just bough today, Slimline Playstation 2. Oh look. How slim and sleek it is. I can’t resist it. Combined with my previous wireless controller, I’m in heaven.

View my other money-wasting moments:

Well. As probably some of you already read in my past blog, I gave away my old PS2 to my brother on my trip back to Kelantan last week for Hari Raya.

And due to the fact that I just got the cheque from Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia of my “cukai terlebih bayar” – from the tax form that I returned last April, that just strengthen the urge to get myself another PS2.

That’s it. This will be the last thing that I will buy. No more after this. I just hope that I can keep this promise.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

4 Responses

  1. Imran says:

    best gak tu fizz. tapi benda alah tu sekarang ni hanya tahu lambai2, joget2 & naik tangga je. tunggulah dia pandai sketlah. nanti dia leh tolong masak, tolong kemas rumah dan tolong basuh baju. heheheheh.

    open house ek. mmm.. teringin gak nak buat tu. again, tunggulah saya ada rumah sendiri dulu. sekarang ni duk rumah bujang. berselerak – seleraknya.

  2. Fizz says:

    lepas nieh cadangkan imran beli robot sony tuh.. yang leh gerak gerak tuh.. mueheuheuheuheuekalau duit tengah banyak kan.. buat lah open house for bloggers.. segalanya imran bayo.. nanti kitaorang leh mai bawa pewot jer.. =Ptee he he he

  3. amirahsyuhada says:

    yang buleh tolong masak,tolong kemas umah n basuh baju tu mahal skitlah..ikut harga skg..dalam rm7000-rm10000 tu. Kalau yg famous2 tu mau cecah berbelas or berpuluh K. Tapi lebih baik lah kalau yang rm6666 je.Tak mahal tak murah,warranty dia ..insyaAllah selagi ada hayat dialah.Baguihhh..lebih dr mengemas,memasak dan membasuh pun dia boleh buat.Kalau pandai cari..senang dunia akhirat.Kat mana2 pun dia ada.

  4. Imran says:

    Hehehe Amirah. Sungguh dlm maksud komen awak tu ^_^

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