Taming feral kittens – Day 1


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

6 Responses

  1. meera says:

    alahaiiiiii tersentuh jiwa raga nengok oyen setia menanti diluar cage tu… syahdunya hati… teremosional jadinya… good oyen!

  2. Imran says:

    tulah meera. oyen tuh asyik nak main ngan adik2 dia je. dia hulurkan tangan dia kut jaring2 sangkar tu. harap2 anak kucing tu jinaklah nanti. sebab saya baca, there is also small possibility yg kucing macam tu tak akan dapat dijinakkan langsung.

  3. Anonymous says:

    i say never let the kittens out yet. Most probably Oyen would wring their neck and kill them, since male cats are usually very territorial, and color pun dekat2 sama.

  4. Budiey says:

    tak sabar nak tengok perkembangan seterusnya…

  5. amirahsyuhada says:

    sukalah…tak sabar nak tunggu depa lepas..main ngn oyen

  6. Bert says:

    how about letting them out, removing the cage from sight and begin putting food out the same time everyday They may come to you..they may not. Cats will eventually just work it out. They’re still young, treat them kindly and they’ll respond. I’d bite too if you locked me in a cage. “You catch more bees with honey” The worst they’ll do is fight and eventually ignore each other. Give it a try, but resist wanting to intervene

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