Tent for my cats

Happened to be in Penang again, and went to this newly opened Jusco, so close to where my friend lives at Bandar Perda.

This Jusco has quite big pet section compared to others that I’ve seen so far, and this thing attracts my attention.

Even tough it’s been sold under the name of “Dog Tent”, well, I want to call it Cat Tent.

This is how the packaging looks like, and it requires virtually no installation at all. Can be used straight away out of the casing.

As always, I am accompanied by my loyal product tester – Oyen.

All of Oyen’s favorite thing as 1 package – blanket, Bastis Pet Bed and Cat Tent. Life is heaven.

And 2 photos of Oyen fully utilizing this new toy for them.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

12 Responses

  1. Darkone says:

    hayooo…..kewlazz nyer kucing zaman skrg yek…siap ade kelambu lagi hehehe

  2. rarza says:

    oyen ..dah bleh jadik product tester for cat..hehehe

  3. Masy says:

    ewahhh sonoknye dia heheheh

  4. a8jnme says:

    kire kalau ade beli product for cats, boleh send utk oyen test ah…


  5. zaif says:

    tomei tomei tomei

  6. Imran says:

    darkone: hehe.. tulah. macam2 accessories dorang

    rarza, a8jnme: oyen is opened to do any product testing. hehehe

    Masy: tuan dia pun naik seronok gak neh

    Zaif: hehehe

  7. Fizz says:

    alahai.. comelnyeeeeeeeeeee…..


  8. hikki-san says:

    wah…so cute!!!!!
    can i borrow your cat for 1 day only?

  9. Shadowthorne says:

    ??????????????? wow. your cat ACTUALLY used these things. My cat wont sleep on the expensive pillow I bought her, even when i put ii in her cage with her!

    Your oyen does know how to sample it all, i do believe. šŸ™‚

  10. amirahsyuhada says:

    Ya Allah, makin gebu dan comel ini Oyen, imran, kalau buat gathering, bawa Oyen skali buleh? Hehehe.

  11. nolly says:

    oyen? huhu..my fren ader nama oyen.

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