The ending of USB blues

After the incident that my iPod not recognized by Windows, and reinstalling Windows do nothing where there was a worrying news about the possibilty of hardware error, I decided to open the case of my dusty computer.

OMG. It is so dusty. Then I vacumm away the dusts and spider web, and I just tighten up any cables that I can see inside. Reboot my PC, and the plug the iPod back in. Yay! Windows recognise my iPod already.

After that troublesome process of installing Windows, the problem just happened to be a loose cable. On second thought, glad that this happened to. My home PC does need reinstall. I just love using computer that is newly reformatted and reinstalled. Everything seems so fast.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

3 Responses

  1. Malique says:

    komputer ni ibarat juga dengan manusia. Kena ada penjagaan luar dan dalam. Kekedang kita just care pasal luaran tapi kat dalam tu tak jaga… so, mcm jugak masalah e nih… bila dah cuci kat dalam tu baru OK…

    alamak berfalsafah la pulok doh…

  2. Imran says:

    tulah kan ye malique. benda tu macam dah lumrah alam. kalau kita kurang kasik perhatian kat sesuatu benda, mulalah benda tu akan buat hal, rosak dan sebagainya. macam ada satu unexplainable thing. benda ni yg org cakap semangat/aura kut.

    try tgk rumah. kalau rumah ada penghuni, rumah tu akan nampak berseri2 je dari jauh. tapi cuba kita tinggal dan biarkan rumah tu. nanti rumah tu akan nampak usang, macam takde semangat. kalau ikutkan, what’s the differentkan org ada tinggal kat dlm rumah tu atau tidak. somehow, yg dalaman tulah yg akan menentukan persepsi org kat luaran kita.

    hehehe. sorry. berfalsafah gok kawe kat sini.

  3. Malique says:

    that’s rite… e ni meme bijak…. bijak… bijak… (iklan susu everyday ke apa tah)…

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