Oyen’s sleeping madness

I still can’t sleep at this moment. Don’t really know why my sleeping time has gone hay-wired lately. I guess it’s due to the Bulgaria trip last 2 weeks. One thing that I notice about me, I have a very sensitive sleeping pattern.

Anyway, Oyen is asleep on my computer table next to me. Been snapping photos of him sleeping on the computer table for a past few days, and I guess a blog entry of that would be nice.

Lately also, I noticed that Oyen really likes to sleep on my computer table whenever I’m here to play game or surf internet. I guess the heat from monitor and my presence that he will always get a stroke from me makes this his favourite sleeping spot.

Remember my Bastis Pet Basket and Bed that I bought from Ikea last time?

Well, I got the replacement for the bed already. The red one last time is a bit small for Oyen. So I bought the blue one which is bigger.

So what do I do with the red one? Since everytime Oyen tried to sleep on the computer table, he always struggle to find the comfy spot for him to lay down. So I have an idea of leaving the red bed on my computer table, which happened to be a very good spot for Oyen.

2 more photos of Oyen enjoying his sleep in this bed.

Sorry. Photos are a bit noisy this time. I was just using my iPhone to snap the photos. Just too lazy to take out my Canon DSLR from the camera bag.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

9 Responses

  1. marts says:


    geramnya tgk oyen. Sihat je dia.

    best tu kalau dapat picit2 perut dia.

  2. ~ miss femme fabulosity ~ says:

    Eee… gediksnyeee oyen tue. Geram!! Hehe~

    Kucing lain x jealous ke asik oyen je dpt attention? ;D

  3. LaLa says:

    eN. iMraN,
    i aM sOooooOOoooOo tArgetTiNg mY 2 kiTteNs wiL b aS heAlthY aS uR oYeN suMday..beEn giVing tHem rOyaL caNin..duN knoW whiCh diEteRy suPlemEnts r dE beSt fOr thEm.aNyhu,haVe anY pLans yEt foR aGong's beDay hoLs? 😉
    tiL neXt tiMe…

  4. Fizz says:

    comel nyeee…. hugs oyen for me..

  5. [ ﻓﺭﺍ ﺸﻬﺩأ .. / (^_^) \ ] says:

    Hi!I was blog-hopping and found ur blog..and ur cat;)
    OMG!! ur.cat.is.so.chomel!!
    and he seems to be very content sleeping near the screen;p
    Cats just love to behave in unexpected manners, don't they;)

  6. amirahsyuhada says:

    bahaya, nanti oyen kena radiation, dekat dengan skrin..hahah

  7. Imran says:

    marts: perut dia sensitif. kalau nak calarkan tgn, leh letak kat perut dia. for sure dia akan gigit, tak pun tendang2 ngan kaki dia sambil kuarkan kuku.

    miss femme: yg lain tak jeles. yg lain tak nak sumer tidur kat situ. penah gak letak kucing2 yg lain kat situ. kejap je, pastu dorang terjun turun

    Lala: i guess for now you can give the kitten one. anyway, oyen got that fat after he got neutered. neutered cat always get fatter. kan marts kan..

    Fizz: oyen cakap dia nak hug fizz balik. tapi oyen taklehlah nak wakilkan hug tu kat saya. LOL

    :ﻓﺭﺍ ﺸﻬﺩأ
    hi there. thanks for stopping by. yeap. that's just one of weird thing that oyen does. i will be blogging about a 'weird'er thing that i call "emily rose pose". LOL

    amirah: xpe. LCD monitor xde radiation

  8. D0rInrIn says:

    muaxs2x 4 ur 0yen..
    gem0k lol..
    geram gler..

    i ada jg pet nama 0yen..
    kaler sama..tp xde la gemok cm gini..

    cayang 0yen!

  9. Imran says:

    D0rInrIn: hehe.. oyen kirim salam muahz kat awak balik

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