13th month bonus

Was doing my normal bill payment using Maybank2u just now, when suddenly I noticed that the balance is unbelievably a lot. Check the transaction history. Yes!!!! I got my 13th month bonus already.

I seem can’t find the switch to turn off the bulb that appeared above my head without knowing. Hhhhmmm.. shopping idea… hhhmmmm.. what to buy…. hhmmmmm….. Someone. Please pull the plug out for me.

(erk. mamat nih cam aku plak. botak & chub. hehehehe)


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

15 Responses

  1. Malique says:

    hehehe… jimat berjimatlah kamu sebelum kamu diperjimatkan…

    a ah la e… muko dio sebijik ngan demo…. kemabar demo koh?

  2. Imran says:

    hehe. takde arr malique. gurau2 jah. anyway, nak wat the following
    1/3 utk enjoy or beli barang
    1/3 utk byr hutang kad kredit
    1/3 utk simpan

    serupo ko? tulah. abg kawe nih. hehehehe

  3. Malique says:

    tambah lagi satu…
    1/3 untuk kahwin…boleh?

  4. Imran says:

    hhhmmm. kalau tambah 1/3 lagi, dah jadik 4/3 jumlahnya tu – pecahan tak setara.
    so, minuslah kawin tu dulu.
    hak hak

  5. nina karina (nk) says:

    what?! 13 months bonus?! wohooooo!
    congrats man!

  6. aries1981 says:

    oh my god! 13 month bonus!!!!! **pengsan jap***
    ayat membodek – imran…bila nak belanja ms aries makan2, jalan2, beli2? hahahaha

    p/s: speaking kelate nampak? hehehe malique pun org kelate gak ke?

    ( fyi, ms aries still pengsan..sampai lar ni x bangun2 lagi)

  7. aries1981 says:

    (erk. mamat nih cam aku plak. botak & chub. hehehehe)

    hmm…handsome! bila agaknya en imran nak upload ur picture here? hehehe**sambil menjeling kat malique**

  8. Imran says:

    errr chop chop..
    bukan 13 months bonus (bonus 13 bulan)
    tapi 13th month bonus (bonus bulan ke 13 – selalu syarikat swasta pakai sistem ni)

    aries. tak yah lak tgk gambar saya. sebab apa, kalau awak tgk, bukan takat pengsan je. terus koma kut. rupa saya cam beast. heheheh

  9. aries1981 says:

    aries. tak yah lak tgk gambar saya. sebab apa, kalau awak tgk, bukan takat pengsan je. terus koma kut. rupa saya cam beast. heheheh

    p/s: kata orang tak kenal maka tak cinta, tak gitu en imran? hehehehe

  10. Malique says:


    malique ni kelate murtad… (org kelatan yg tak ngaku asal usul…)

  11. Malique says:

    aries… jgn harapla kalau nak tgk gambar en. imran tu kat sini… dia tu kan pemalu… tak baca dia punya profile ka? heheh tau tak pe…

  12. Imran says:

    hehehe.. tulah malique. sapa yg cipta istilah kelantan murtad tu pun tak tahu.

  13. aries1981 says:

    hehehehe kelate murtad!!hehehe btl ckp imran…sapa lar yg cipta perkataan ni! malique…kalau mcm ni..ms aries try tengok muka en imran dlm mimpi aje lar…hehehe

  14. Malique says:

    yg cipta perkataan tuh.. aiyo malik sendiri pun tak tahu sape.. tahu-tahu istilah tu dah digunakan oleh orang kelantan di KL… tapi setahu malik takde pulak istilah unt negeri lain…

    ye la faham2 sendiri la kat KL ni terlalu ramai perantau dari Kelantan.

  15. aries1981 says:

    is including urself and imran! hehehe

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