Buffet lunch at Wild Rice Restaurant

Again, was busy with the database cleanup today, when there’s an intermittent problem with the internet connection due to hardware problem. Couldn’t get much things done today due to the problem.

It is fasting month already tomorrow. How time flies, and we meet Ramadhan again for this year. Alhamdulillah. Just as I’m thinking of what to eat today for my final lunch as for the next one month, no more lunch to me, suddenly my colleague came and said there will be department lunch today, on my boss’s account due to the start of Ramadhan tomorrow. Fantastic!!

Jenny Hong. That’s my boss. I’m kinda respect her as she’s being very aware of this even though she’s a chinese herself. As a matter of fact, people from other department do envy us for having Jenny as hour boss. She’s very nice, with very good people management skills. No wonder she have Data Processing, Data Entry & Coding and IT departments under her supervision.

There will be a buffet lunch today at Wild Rice Restaurant, at Boulevard Hotel, which this hotel has just recently opened.

Man. I have to walk from this side of the megamall (South Court) to the other end of the megamall (North Court). I think it’s 500 metres walking. Going there and coming back to the office will be 1 km walk. Pheww..

Reached there, and went to the 9th floor, and headed to the restaurant.

It’s really a very nice place surrounded by swimming pool. The price is not bad I think. But look at the Ramadhan buffet rate. Hehehe. They are clever to take advantage of Ramadhan where fast breaking buffet is a hot stuff this whole month.

What you are waiting for. Let’s MAKAN!!!!!! I’m kinda satisfied with the food that they served too. It is a YES that I will be back here one day.

And if you are wondering who my boss is, she is on the far left hand side of the above photo.

Thanks Jenny for the lovely buffet.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

2 Responses

  1. wénkt says:

    tgh tgh tunggu bukak puasa laa wan baca entry ni… sabar je laaa

  2. Malique says:

    kekekeke… awalnya bukak pose.. kat oversea eh?

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