Casa Idaman Progress 16052010

Kinda wondering what a month can do to Casa Idaman Condominium. My last visit was almost a month ago. Quite a promising progress I have to say.

And this is Block A, where I will be staying.

And I also just happened to notice that Casa Idaman Condominium is actually viewable from the apartment that I’m currently living at.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

12 Responses

  1. ctshah says:

    hai there.yesterday we all dh dpt surat dari cp group ttg progression casa idaman.everything is done!sekrang we just get ready utk CF and the key.hopefully next month @ after raya (paling lambat).;-)

    • Imran says:

      really? that's really a good news. tak sabar rasanya nak start duduk rumah baru 🙂 but at the same time bimbang pasal duit. cukup ke nanti nak wat renovation nih. huhu

      • kasih says:

        ye ker??? kalau betul… bagus laa.. kena cek surat kat umah adik laa kalau mcm ni.. kira cepat juga yer,, tp betul la kan.. dalam seronok nak masuk rumah baru.. risau plak duit nak buat renovation.. tp i target by jan11 la kot baru dpt duduk sana with the complete renovation n perabot semua..

  2. Kamarul says:

    hye my future neighbour!

  3. syahroll says:

    hihi saya b-5-9 salam perkenalan…..
    rasanya CF plg cpt bulan 10.sbb letrik masih tak siap.
    dlm 10% sblm siap.pool pun takde air lagi…

  4. aprezal says:

    salam, saya owner b-12-09 casa idaman… salam perkenalan smua bakal2 jiran. bagus jugak ada blog ni..lambatnya nak nak dapat cf n kunci..saya dah start survey renovation n perabot n perkakas elektrik sekitar jln ipoh..boleh tahan, byk kedai2 besar n harga menarik..ada sesapa bleh rekomen mana2 kedai yg best, design baru dgn harga munasabah??

  5. aprezal says:

    Casa Idaman akhirnya sedia untuk diduduki..CF dah keluar Oktober lalu, surat penyerahan milikan kosong dah keluar minggu ni..kena bayar sebarang outstanding purchase price, late penalty charges, deposit utilities, maintenance charges in advance sampai Mac 2011, then akan dapat surat confirmation dpd developer utk ambil kunci, then baru boleh ambil kunci di site office..then renovate, then move in..akhirnya..syabas dan tahniah kpd semua purchasers

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