CIRP : Covering balcony railings
CIRP : Casa Idaman Renovation Project
I have 4 cats that like to chase each other in the house. Unless I want to see my cats are doing the Olympic’s 10m platform diving, I have to do something with the balcony.
The gap between the railings of my balcony is rather big, and even the biggest Oyen can easily slit through the gap. So the idea is to seal those gaps.
Been reading from Casa Idaman Facebook page that someone has installed Marklon Polyglass Polycarbonate Solid Sheet at the balcony. This is how the product looksl like.
The installation begins. The side with the white protective cover is the side that should face sun.
Then the polyglass sheet is just simply being screwed to the balcony railings.
Here is the finished product. It’s so clear that I can hardly see that there is polyglass sheet covered the whole balcony railing’s surface. And I do really hope that it stays this clear for long.
** Read other stories about my Casa Idaman Renovation Project
macam takde pasang apa-apa. nanti mesti budak2 tu terkais-kais nak memanjat, tapi tak boleh. xD eh.. dah pindah ye?
totally crystal clear B) err yng utk yg champion Olympic panjat tu kene alert gak im
dorang takleh panjang. sebab railing tu kat luar.
Me gayat, duduk apt pun tak akan pi balcony. He he he
kekadang rasa gayat kat duduk bertenggek kat balcony ni. huhu
Hi, saya nak tnye,(sbb saya pun duduk kat casa idaman gak blok A) how much did u pay to get this installed? sbb saya ada baby yg baru start berjalan and saya pun takut jugak tgk balcony tu terlalu open sgt railings dia…this looks like the perfect solution. Saya nak tnye brapa price dia nak pasang ni sume. Thx!
hi Syima.
Saya dah email dah pasal kos utk pasang benda ni kat balcony 🙂
Salam Imran,
saya pun nk tau kos pasang benda nie n maybe contact number.. saya akan stay kt blok B C.I
Salam Risma.
Saya dah email dah kos untuk pasang benda ni kat balcony ngan contact number sekali 🙂
imran nak jugak la the contact person.. tq! ade toddler yg sgt2 tgh aktif n the balcony mmg menakutkan..
Hi zuha. Saya dah email dah 🙂
imran, email kat i skali. tQ 🙂
tasha. saya dah emailkan dah
hi bro, email kat aku sekali. Skang duduk kat blok b-16 🙂 . anak 2 org semua tgh mencube bende baru.
salam bro. aku dah email dah.
tingkat 16? tinggi tuh.
huhu.. kalau mencuba benda2 baru macam lancarkan roket kertas dari balcony tu takpe.
may i ask where to buy this???
hi cheryl. sorry for the late reply. i will email you the details
Hi Imran,
Do you think you can email me the details too, please?
Thank you
hi Diyana.
I just sent an email to you.
Hi, boleh tak emailkan saya the details jugak, nak tau berapa price u buat tu dan contact person sekali.. thanks sangat2
Hi Faizah.
Hari tu saya ada call contractor tu nak tanya quotation, tapi dia dah tak pakai no tu. Saya takde no baru dia utk share ngan awak 🙁
Hi, boleh tak emailkan saya the details jugak, nak tau berapa price utk pasang. saya stay kat blok A.
Hi….just wondering how is the polycarbonate doing so far? Is the wind do any effect to it? I just got a kitten. And I think I may need to put it on.. can I find it in a hardware shop?
so far it’s doing good. the plastic is quite strong. not an issue to to withheld the strong wind. only that after years of rain and sun, the plastic is no longer clear. i’m not quite sure myself where to buy this. i did tried to contat the contractor that used to fit this to my house last time, but he is no where to be found. his phone number terminated already.