Goodbye my O2 Xda II Mini

It’s rather a very sentimental night for me. This is the day that I will say goodbye to my O2 Xda II Mini. I will be selling away this phone, as the preparation of getting my next phone. I’m thinking of going back to Nokia.

I just feel like yesterday that I bought this, but as a matter of fact, I already have my O2 mini for almost 2 years and 2 months.

This is the sales receipt that I still keep when I first bought this 2 years ago. I spent bloody RM2753 for this.

I still keep the box for this, and believe me, everything inside it is still in mint condition.

This is how my O2 Mini looks like at this moment. There are a few scratches here and there, but overall, it’s still in very good condition.

Been busy backing up contact, SMS, MMS and files that are in the phone, and clearing all of them for the new user. Finally, I have gathered all the the necessary things for this phone, and all of them are ready to be packed.

I also managed to make a screen shot, of how the today page (i.e front page) looks like as a token of memory.

And finally, during the course of 2 years and 2 months, I have been making and receiving 3095 calls with the total time of 1826 min, 53 sec. That means, I only on the phone about 1 month for the period of 2 years and 2 months.

I guess this is the end. Thank you so much my old friend.. You served me well for 2 years and 2 months.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

3 Responses

  1. amirahsyuhada says:

    i don’t know about you, for me i am thinking about nokia 7500. Tapi this year dah 3 kali beli henset, so kena hold dulu. Susah kalau dah sayang kan.Tapi still masih nak rasa yang baru, sebab gadget camni memang sentiasa berubah.

  2. Imran says:

    Nokia 7500 yg bentuk prism tu ek? for me, saya nak N95. built in 3G phone, GPS ngan WLAN tu yg menambahkan slurrrppppp

  3. Anonymous says:

    salamz brade imran..ade simpan lagi x driver O2 XD Mini ii tuh? saye punye cd sudah hilang la…kalo ade..plz send to my

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