Home Sweet Home


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

6 Responses

  1. Malique says:

    sonotnya balik kg… mesti banyak dpt daging lembu korban nih…

    pantun ntok imre:
    jange make daging banyok sangak
    nanti daghoh tinggi mai menyengak
    ghaso nok balik kg nih rindu sangak
    ada maso kito balik la cepat ko bangak… hehehe

  2. moon says:

    make roti denge milo o
    buak hidange menjamo selero
    biso sunggoh patun demo
    buak ambo tido tok leno


  3. PiNaT says:

    lo, ko orang kelantan ke?

    aku bulan 3 ni nak ngantar pengantin kat KB.. hehehe..

  4. Imran says:

    wah. ada sessi berbalas pantun ler plak.

    pinat. ha ah. ambo nih ore kelate. hak hak.

  5. aries1981 says:

    hmm..best kan dpt balik umah sendiri!main..balas2 pantun malique n moon ek? hehehe

  6. mr.eims says:

    hidup kelate bloggers..

    huhu~ =D

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